African Youth Leadership in Environmental Action

We are dedicated to empowering young Africans to become effective Leaders in Environmental conservation and sustainability. Our initiative focus on providing Leadership development, Project Management training and capacity building to equip youth with skills and knowledge needed to address environmental challenges

Inform, Educate, Inspire


The mission of African Youth Leadership in Environmental Action (AYLEA) is to empower and mobilize young Africans as leaders in environmental conservation, sustainability, and climate action, to foster a resilient future for the continent.

We are committed to equipping youth with the knowledge, skills, and resources necessary to become proactive agents of change in addressing environmental challenges and promoting sustainable development across Africa

Our Vision

Our vision is to create an Africa led by a generation of environmentally conscious and proactive youth, driving sustainable development, safeguarding ecosystems, and ensuring a thriving planet for future generations.

We envision a continent where young people are actively engaged in environmental leadership and action, contributing to the preservation of natural resources, the mitigation of climate change impacts, and the promotion of a healthy and sustainable environment for all

Our Aims:

Foster a culture of environmental consciousness and proactive engagement among young Africans.
Equip youth with the necessary knowledge, skills, and resources to lead initiatives in environmental conservation, sustainability, and climate action
Build a network of youth leaders and organizations across Africa, facilitating collaboration and collective action on environmental issues.
Advocate for policies and practices that promote environmental protection, sustainable development, and climate resilience.
Contribute to a resilient and sustainable future for Africa, where ecosystems are safeguarded, natural resources are conserved, and the well-being of present and future generations is prioritised. 

Our Team

Eliud Mugendi

Aanyu Rebecca

Rebecca is an environmental activist who utilizes poetry to raise awareness about pressing environmental issues. With a proven track record of success in poetry competitions, including the Pan African Youth Conference in Kigali and the National Students Anti-Corruption Challenge, her creative expressions serve as a powerful catalyst for change. With a background in Records and Information Management, Rebecca brings a keen eye for detail and organizational skills to her environmental advocacy work. Her experience as a Records Officer at Soroti District Local Government has equipped her with valuable insights into administrative processes and governance. Driven by her passion for sustainability, Rebecca co-founded the African Youth Leadership in Environmental Action. In her role as an Environmental Activist, she continues to inspire action and mobilize communities towards a greener, more sustainable future.

— Aanyu Rebecca (Co-Founder)

Eliud Mugendi is a Natural Resources & Environmental Economist and Blue Economist dedicated to advocating for nature conservation and sustainable development. With experience in research, capacity building, mentoring, and teaching, he is committed to leveraging his expertise and skills to empower youth and catalyze positive change across the world.

Eliud holds a Bachelor's degree in Agricultural and Natural Resources Economics and Business and is currently a final year candidate in the Master of Philosophy program in Blue Economy, Governance, and Social Resilience.

He serves as an entrepreneur and ocean leaders Mentor at Sustainable Ocean Alliance (SOA) Global Mentor Network, he is a Global Youth Ambassador Cohort 2024 - a program aiming to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 4: Inclusive and equitable education for all; and works as a Project and Risk Management and Renewable Energy Tutor at PATHS University of Africa.

In his spare time, Eliud enjoys reading and eco-writing. He is passionate about the beauty of nature and its role in promoting national economic development while maintaining its health

— Eliud Mugendi (Founder)


We are in a mission to cultivate the next generation of environmentally conscious leaders and make a positive impact on the planet. Fostering a sense of ownership and responsibility for environmental stewardship, infilling values of conservation and sustainability that resonate across diverse communities.



We're believe in providing accurate and relevant information, delivering facts, data and insights that enable people to make informed decisions and understand the world around them better. The power of informing gives people tools to navigate complex issues and situations with clarity and confidence


Educating goes beyond just impacting information; it involves facilitating learning and understanding. Educating someone means helping them develop knowledge, skills, and attitude contributing to growth and development. We empower young people to think critically, solve problems and adapt new challenges


With inspiration we ignite passion and motivation within youth, this goes far to igniting their imagination, creativity and aspirations sparking the of purpose and possibility, encouraging youth to take action in conserving the environment.